Best meat rabbits

About Us

 The Krolikoff farm enterprise is the leading one in raising meat-producing rabbits in Ukraine and CIS countries. The production facilities of the enterprise are designed and constructed according to French technologies, with the use of European equipment, and as such have no analogs in Ukraine. The enterprise is represented as an industrial complex with waste-free production processes, which includes a feed milling plant, a selection and breading section, special houses for rabbits, a rabbit slaughtering plant, and units for processing, packing, and marketing products.

At the enterprise, the systems for large-scale mechanization, automation, and computerization of all production processes are introduced. The houses for rabbits are equipped with a microclimate control systems and systems for automatic water and feed supply. The mechanization and automation of livestock management at the enterprise allow the process requirements to be fulfilled and the effect of human factor to be minimized.
At the enterprise, the unit for breeding and reproducing rabbits has been placed into operation. This unit provides the possibility to reduce costs for purchasing progenitor and parent stock of rabbits, as well as to improve the state of selective breeding of rabbits at the enterprise.
The internal feed milling plant designed for producing complete, balanced pelletized feeds has also been placed into operation.
The modern processing-and- slaughtering section, which has also been placed into operation, contains an Italian slaughtering line with capacity of 1000 rabbit units per hour, new refrigeration chambers of various types and purpose with total holding capacity more than 120 tons, and a unit for processing and packing products.
In the design and construction of the production facilities of the enterprise, the best foreign and domestic ventilation and heating systems and equipment for livestock management were used.